Michael Burton-Prateley has an extensive background in international corporate finance, having established two successful franchises, in Europe and the Middle East, for major Asia Pacific Banks.
Following a move to the United States in 2002, he established a specialist strategic consultancy focused on the development and execution of European and Middle East market entry strategy and execution, for a group of security technology companies, specialized in the design, manufacture and installation of advanced concealed threat detection systems for major infrastructure, including: airports, railway stations, ports, secure government buildings and other critical infrastructure assets.
In addition, he has founded businesses, in the logistics and financial services sectors in the United States and has served as a board member and Chief Financial Officer of companies in the technology manufacturing and media industries. In addition, he has considerable experience in the aviation sector, having served on airport boards in the United States.
He is an independent director of N-Viro International Corporation Inc. and Chairman of Eupolemus Inc.
Mr. Burton-Prateley earned a BA in Economics from Manchester University and an M.Phil. in Management from the University of Oxford. He is a Chartered Accountant in the UK, having qualified with KPMG and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.